paynet updates: What's important to know

New brand.
New Circle.
New Paynet.

Paynet is a brand that the whole of Uzbekistan knows about: with a strong heritage and accumulated trust over 18 years of service. The Paynet team presents a new look of a well-known brand.

In the circle of trust. Around friends

We do what we recommend to our close friends.

With the convenience of life. For the benefit of people

We help make the familiar easier and the new clearer.

Open to new things

Bringing people and companies together in one convenient place.

It's different for everyone, it's different in its own way.

We all have our own tasks. We humbly help to solve them.
In the circle of trust around friends
A memorable slogan that is associated with our brand. A form that we apply to the various touch points of our services.

telling and showing in a new way

Meet Paynetjohn

Paynetjohn is the new face of the brand. The main character who represents care, support and hospitality. Young and energetic - always ready to help.

As we say

Paynet is a B2B2C brand with a wide audience. We focus on building communication for different audiences depending on needs, sources and channels of interaction.

We use our own style of writing, which we adhere to in external communications: on the website, in advertising and social networks.

Paynet is always his own in the circle of his own people. We communicate as with close friends - with respect and a sincere desire to care.

Consistently express even complex thoughts and respond in a straightforward manner. We use human conversational language, not bureaucratic filings and scripts. This is important to show genuine concern and friendship. To show the client that he is communicating with a living person, who is always ready to help.

Basic rules

1. Write in a human way. Read the text aloud, think about it, and see if it sounds complicated or clumsy. This is especially true of texts in Uzbek. Try to write in natural language, as in conversation.

2. use fewer words. People are busy. If you have their attention, respect their time. If you can convey a shorter message without losing meaning, do it.

3. Consider context. Context is about understanding where, when, and why a person is reading your text. From paying utility bills to transferring to a relative, change your tone depending on your audience. Show care, as if it were a close friend of yours.

Our voice remains the same, but our tone changes depending on the context and situation.

Conversational tone. Our social media posts are lively and like a real conversation. Be open, honest and friendly.

Encouraging tone. Encourage action, but make sure it's useful and solves the customer's problem. Give the customer value and guide them to useful action.

Bold tone. Be brave and remember that this is a living person in front of you. Communicate openly, respectfully, and in a human way.

Optimistic tone. Words like "in the circle of trust" or "forever free" are more than just a witty turn of phrase: they suggest hope, optimism, and progress.

Useful tone. Describe the benefit, not the function. Not "cross-border payments," but "transfer to loved ones from other countries without a fee. Not "5% discount" but "save up to 2 million soums per month on payments".

A clear tone. Be straightforward. Don't dodge questions or answer with formal scripts. If you need time, say so explicitly and specify how long you need to wait.

A logo is a first impression. Our job is to make it flow smoothly.

What the logo hides

The new logo is a familiar combination of an unusually shaped circle and smooth brand lettering.

Our sign is the circle of trust. It is a recognizable element, and we use it consistently.

The text part of the logo is clear, confident and complements the image with its friendliness.

The main option is horizontal

Always use a horizontal logo rather than a vertical one, if appropriate.

Secondary vertical option

Used when there is very little space for a horizontal logo.

Safe distance

Leave more air around the logo - if space is limited, use a safety distance chart.


Observe the rules and proportions when resizing the logo.

Observe the minimum size described below.

Minimum dimensions

The minimum width of the horizontal version is 132 px.

Vertical - 107 px.

The minimum sign size is 22×23 px.

Brand mark

The trust circle on a mint background is used for the app icon and in the avatar.

The size of the circle is 75% of the height of the badge.

Circle of trust - a window of opportunity

Use the green circle of trust as a window or portal into the world of Paynet.

This is a task for a designer who has experience in communication design.

Rules for use and placement

Place the logo in one of six places, regardless of the size of the layout.

If you want to place the logo in the center of the composition, for example, on the cover of a notebook, use only the sign of the circle.

How not to do

1. Do not stretch, do not squeeze

2. Do not add a stroke

3. do not use unauthorized colors

4. Do not apply shadows or effects

5. Do not rotate, do not divide

6. Do not use vertical spelling

Moderately playful, appropriately contrasting. Play with colors when it's appropriate. Here are the rules for using color in a brand.

Main palette

We use a combination of contrasting colors - warm and cold shades form a gamut of combinations and differences. They emphasize our strengths and show that Paynet is for everyone.

Green pearls and gold are the two main palettes used in communication.

Bright and bold shades of pink and blue silk are used in promotional materials.

Green Pearls



32, 204, 109




71, 235, 126




11, 168, 89




8, 126, 67




218, 251, 237





254, 213, 65




243, 185, 69




156, 51, 17




254, 221, 243





5, 0, 255




126, 203, 241




204, 237, 253




213, 42, 156


Contrasting tones



0, 0, 0




255, 255, 255





145, 149, 161




31, 15, 87





233, 234, 237




235, 231, 225


Allowed combinations

Below are the allowed combinations of background colors and elements.

Use bright and contrasting combinations in materials.


Download Fonts

Using the right words helps convey the message, and the right typography grabs attention.

Big headlines

Large headings are typed in "Karos Soft" font. It is always written in small lower case letters.

Replaced by Google Fonts:
Nunito (ExtraBold 800)

Simple headings and text

We use a versatile and easy-to-read font for typing on the website and documents that supports brand communication.

Replaced by Google Fonts:
Inter (Regular & Bold)

Text Styles

Big headlines

Type only in lowercase (small) letters. Line height should be between 100-120%, and the letter spacing should be between -5% and -3%.

Keep a balance, and focus on the examples below:

Simple headlines

The line height should be between 100-120%, and the inter-letter spacing should be between -3% and -1%.


A well-designed text looks better and is easier to read. Use bold font for headings and regular font for long texts. The main text line height should be 110-140% of the font size.

In the text, the brand name Paynet is spelled with a capital letter. The Cyrillic version is Paynet.

How not to do

Don't mix up title and text fonts - follow the rules above

Don't make a wide letter spacing in texts and headings

Do not use the wrong line heights

Do not use capital letters in large headings with Karos-soft

Do not use different fonts and thicknesses

Do not align to the right, and do not put two headings in a row

Examples of use

Want to see what the text looks like in our materials?

Icons and illustrations

Illustrations and icons are useful tools in our arsenal. We adhere to the principle: "don't tell, but show.


Don't rely on words, illustrations go beyond words and can convey an idea faster and easier.


We use Material Symbols (Rounded) as a set of icons. Simple and clear - always at your fingertips.

Layout and grids

Open in Figma

There are three basic formats: vertical (01), square (02) and horizontal (03). Depending on the format and scale, the set of columns for the grid changes.


We use an indentation of 2.5%-10% of the layout width. In a banner for social networks we use 2.5%, in printed materials - up to 10% depending on the layout.


Use a multiple of three columns: 6, 9, 12, 24. The number of columns depends on the needs of the designer. Below is an example:

The width between columns equals the width of the indent. For example, if the indent is 2.5%, then the width between columns will also be 2.5%.

Horizontal lines

Add horizontal lines to improve readability. They will help organize your content and identify the point at which the text should begin.

How to bring a layout together

1. Assemble the logo, texts, and graphics
2. Set up the grid on the
layout 3. Place the
graphics 4. Arrange the rest of the elements

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Paynet brand guide.
Last updated: May 2023